Thanks for visiting the website for our club, The Canandaigua Sky Chiefs aka CHIEFS.
Becoming a member of the CHIEFS is easy.
Membership in the AMA - Academy of Model Aeronautics is a prerequisite .
Fill in and mail a New Member Application form(we'll collect your money after approval vote)
Potential new members must attend one meeting.
Potential new members must have a club member sponsor.
Potential new members must introduce themselves and state their reasons for joining the club at their first meeting.
If for any reason the potential new member is unable to attend one meeting due to extenuating circumstances, the board of directors will decide if it is not necessary for you to attend one meeting. Consequently, you must have your club member sponsor attend for you and tell the membership your reason for joining the club.
A simple majority secret vote for membership in the club shall take place at that meeting. The potential new member will be notified of the result by the secretary within one week.
Two payment costs are due and shall be paid as soon as is practical:
1) A one time initiation fee of $25.00
2) Yearly membership dues are as follows -
a) Adult Member - $65.00
b) Spouse Member - $25.00 (Flying)
c) Spouse Member - $0.00 (Non Flying)
d) Youth Member - $0.00
e) Associate Member - $15.00 (Voting-Non Flying)
f) Honorary Member - $0.00
Adult members - age 19 or older
Spouse Member - those who are married to an Adult member
Youth Members - age below 19
Associate Member - one who wants to maintain relationship with The CHIEFS club
Honorary Member - one who is appointed by the Board
To send in your new Member Application form or
your member renewal dues (Make check payable to Canandaigua sky chiefs Mail To: Canandaigua Sky Chiefs
Po box 869
Canandaigua NY 14424
Download this new Member Application form. PRINT it.
Fill it out and mail it to our PO Box
Monthly Meetings
Club meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of every month 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Depending on the time of year meetings are held at either the Chief’s field
or at the blue hanger at Canandaigua Airport.
MFC Aviation Services October - April
2450 Brickyard Rd.
Canandaigua, NY 14424
Chief’s Field May - September
3299 Gehan Road off Routes 5 & 20
Hopewell, NY